The Schedule Reminders Add-On was designed to be intuitive and comes with built in instructions and an example event entry. Detailed instructions are provided here.
Set Up your Sheet
Use the Settings menu item in the Add-On menu.
Select the time you want the Add-On to run each day.
Click on the "Set Up This Sheet" button to activate the current sheet and set the reminders template.
Schedule your Reminders
The template includes Notes in each column header with specific suggestions.
The example shows how one reminder entry can be set up.
Use native Googlesheet features like formulas to copy similar rows, for example when sending the reminder to a similar event to different people on different days.
The Add-On will check your sheet at the specified time each day and will send out emails for any row where the reminder dates are the same as the current date.
If there is an error, the Add-On send error details to you
Test and Clear Settings
Use Settings to verify that your sheet has been set up and is active.
Use "Set Up This Sheet" button in a new sheet if you want to change the Googlesheet you are using.
Clearing settings will stop the nightly email send.
You can test your sheet immediately using the "Run Now" feature.